We Need Affordable Housing
The city tried selling 2 acres of Willets Point for $1 to a developer.
But, we would not stand for it.
Initially, Councilmember Hiram successfully championed a plan that secured the creation of 5,500 housing units, highlighting the critical need for accessible housing in the community.
The measure garnered support from prominent figures like Bill de Blasio, who not only endorsed it but also cast a vote in favor of the initiative, emphasizing the widespread recognition of the importance of affordable housing.
However, concerns arose when new plans surfaced for the construction of a mall and a casino, projects that seemed to prioritize corporate profits over the well-being of the community.
Subsequently, there was an attempt to introduce a LaGuardia Airtrain and a parking lot, prompting community members to unite and successfully oppose these projects, emphasizing the importance of considering local needs and concerns
Even Gov. Hochul agreed!
Unfortunately, a soccer stadium is now in progress, raising eyebrows as it unfolds amidst a backdrop of record homelessness, budget crisis and an increasing number of people residing in shelters. This has sparked renewed concerns about the balance between corporate interests and addressing the pressing issue of housing instability.
Build 5,500 new affordable housing units.
Issue a new Request for Proposals
Base affordable housing units off the AMI of the neighborhood zip code.
Build a New Elementary School
Build a New Middle School
Build a New High School
For too long, our communities in Corona have struggled with overcrowded schools.
All Contractors must employ local, union workers.
At least 50% of contracts should go to Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE).
Build a New Senior Center
Build a New Community Center
Build a New Daycare Center
Build a New Pre-K and Kindergarten Center
All development must be environmentally sound provide for more greenspace.
All projects must include Environmental Clean-Up and Remediation of all land if needed